Sunday, March 16, 2014

Pi/e Day Party!

I am so happy that spring is here (sort of, it did still snow this week)!  I love the sunshine, colors, and beauty of Spring!  I think it is my favorite season. 

Well, spring means that it is that time of year again.  No, not cleaning (though I should do that too), but Pi/e day!  Every year on March 14th (3.14) we have a party with our friends to celebrate pie.  We have a contest and just enjoy being with people we love.  This year we had so may people, I wasn't sure everyone was going to fit in the house.  Here are some highlights from the evening.

One of my student's parents own the Pie Pizzeria in Sandy.  She happened to be our VIP student (star student, whatever you want to call it) and so they brought in a treat for the kids for pie day. I got to take the leftovers home for the party.

I made mini cherry pies.  I forgot to take a close up shot when they were done baking.

We had LOTS of pie.

Chocolate Pie
Boston Cream Pie

Sugar Free Apple Pie

The pie in the bottom left of the picture was the prize winning pie!  My sister Megan happened to make it.  That is why we have other people judge the pies so it will be fair. 

Our friend Mike won 3rd prize with his apple pie.  He was so excited to get autographed photos of Jeff and I as part of his prize! 

Our friend Dann made a bacon pie that won 2nd place

Megan and her 1st prize!

Our friend Dave was one of the judges.

Melissa (on the far right) was the other judge.

As you can see we had a lot of food and lots of friends.  We had so much fun (despite the fact that my kitchen looks like a disaster zone) and we look forward to next year! 

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